David Bowie and The Magic of Marketing Integration
When an integrated marketing campaign works and is deemed effective, often people rightly talk about the creativity; the magic. However, it is really clear, and increasingly so in this fragmented.
When an integrated marketing campaign works and is deemed effective, often people rightly talk about the creativity; the magic. However, it is really clear, and increasingly so in this fragmented.
The honest answer is ”probably not”. Most people are critical and sceptical about things they do not understand and people in business are no different; Production think that Sales ought.
A question of media value Here is a question: If I gave you 1,000,000 YouTube/social media video plays, 100,000 qualified names for your e-CRM databases, 50,000 followers and friends on.
Sauerkraut, Languages and Marketing Integration. What are the odds of being born into a trilingual home? Mother from one country, Father from another country, and all of us living in.
We had just won the Nike account across Europe. It is fair to say that the Nike UK client, the fabulously named Jack Gold, had not much wanted to participate.
pro•pin•qui•ty Proximity; nearness. Kinship. Similarity in nature. Propinquity is a funny old word, derived from the Latin propinquitas. As you can see it means proximity, nearness, kinship, or similarity in.
I once worked on a large drinks account; we had had the account some time, enjoyed the client’s company, the confidence of doing good work, and a handsome fee. Our.
A troop of scouts are in a big wood. Their Scout Master sets them the task of gaining light and warmth for the night. One Scout gathers a load of.
A man walked into Picasso’s studio one day to see how the great man worked. Picasso was smoking a cigarette looking at a large stone. After walking around it.