Great marketing procurement drives value

“Marketing procurement teams need to act as a strategic function; managing cost and driving value. Procurement professionals should view themselves as integral to the business, not as a separate function. Flock will help you develop your sourcing strategy and business case to support your go to market approach.
We help with strategic inputs, benchmarks and developing remuneration models that will drive long term value with your marketing ecosystem partners.”


Claire Walters, Procurement Lead


Scoping marketing needs

Flock creates deliverables based scoping taxonomy and structures that capture your needs and inspires your partners to deliver great work and efficiencies. We can harness our Flock Scoping Tool to manage scopes and budgets which over time delivers spend insight and opportunities.


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Marketing supply chain analysis

We provide a view of the marketing supply chain across all marketing spend areas. We then suggest strategies for improvement from consolidation, pitches, “Get Fit” programs, to insourcing and off-shoring.

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Remuneration models and performance

We create agency remuneration and performance models based on latest industry benchmarks. We help develop and align performance scorecards, measurement approach and implementation. This maximises your return on agency remuneration and incentivises exceptional performance.

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Contract review

Flock will review your contracts and use our industry leading contracts and commercial clause library to ensure you have the most future-facing contracts for all disciplines.

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The Great Balancing Act

Download ‘The Great Balancing Act: Marketing Procurement Trends and Insights’, our annual report. Available to client-side advertisers.


Download the guide


What our clients think about working with us

“I’ve worked with Flock for nearly five years and I can absolutely say I will continue to work for Flock for at least the next five years. I love working with Flock. What I love about them is their depth of understanding they get of your business very quickly. What that means is you get bespoke solutions that are right for your business. I’ve never had the sense that it’s a one size fits all.”
Steve Axe, Inspired Education
“It’s a blessing to work with a business partner like Flock who not only embodies business excellence but upholds the values of trust, collaboration and integrity. Their contribution is an essential part of our success.”
Marc Bock, W.L. Gore & Associates
“We worked with the Flock team over the last two years, implementing our digital asset management tool globally here in Danone and setting the right governance to maximise its future business potential. Flock brings wealth of external experience and speaks the same language as marketing teams.”
Peter Hylik, Danone
“I think the reason that I keep coming back to Flock to assist and support me in different roles is because of their objective authenticity, the fact that they will be challenging, that they care about the agencies that come into pitch and that I never have a seconds worry that they are anything other than transparent.”
Eilidh MacAskill, Ocado

Your bespoke solution

Not sure where to start, or how to improve procurement strategies? Get in touch below to discuss how we can tailor our services to create a bespoke solution for you.

Get in touch to book a meeting with one of our experts today