Press Release – March 19th, 2014

Flock Associates – The Marketing Integration Company launches today the Flock Integrated Marketing Survey
The Flock Integrated Marketing Survey gives a company an immediate snapshot of the effectiveness of its marketing resources ecosystem. It identifies strengths and weaknesses, highlights discrepancies in alignment between internal and external resources (agencies), such as polar understanding on overall strategies, target audiences and KPIs between the company and its agencies. These discrepancies lead to disintegration, duplication of work and inefficiencies, and ultimately to a waste of time and money.
Example of question – Process effectiveness and efficiency.

The Flock Integrated Marketing Survey allows companies to evaluate the level of integration of their entire resource ecosystem as an independent exercise. It can be done before the start of a new campaign, or after a campaign has finished, to prepare for the next one.
Example of outcome – Overall Strategy; please rate the following items depending on the level of confidence you have in each of them

Flock’s Integrated Marketing Survey was designed to improve marketing integration from the roots up, and to give visibility of the following points:
- How aligned are all parties around one strategy, one objective and one target audience?
- How integrated is the overall marketing ecosystem?
- How aligned are the internal and external resources?
- What parts or a campaign worked and which did not?
- How well is the team performing?
- What communication styles and channels are working and which are not?
- What processes are performing and how well?
- Are there any resource or skills gaps, and how to fill them?
- Are roles and responsibilities understood?
- How can ROI be improved by making the campaign more effective and efficient?
- What is the performance of social media, digital, production, and evaluation?
Simon Francis, CEO of Flock Associates said, “The Flock Integrated Marketing Survey is a new invaluable tool for marketers who need to gain fast understanding of how well their marketing ecosystem is performing. The survey can be used in isolation, as part of a campaign – pre- for planning or post- for learning, or as part of an entire marketing ecosystem overhaul. We are very excited to launch the survey and believe it should form integral part of every campaign that aims for full integration.”
For further details about Flock’s Integrated Marketing Survey contact Simon Francis, CEO of Flock Associates at simon.francis@flock-associates.com
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