Evolution of Representation: Measuring Progress of Diversity and Inclusion

November 12th 2021

Earlier this year, Flock partnered with ISBA (Incorporated Society of British Advertisers) to create a practical guide for marketers to think more deeply about their marketing endeavours and whether they are authentically representing their audience. Representation of a Nation established A.C.T, a 3-step framework which stands for Accountability, Collaboration and Trading, enabling brands to elicit change from within.

Whilst one size does not fit all, the guide is there to encourage marketing professionals to begin the journey towards diversity, equity, and inclusion, asking the most important questions.

The launch of the guide opened up an important step change in the chain of dialogue and engagement, supporting leaders and brands to change their behaviours and approaches within their companies. With progress on their journey, discussions around “what good looks like” and effectively measuring progress came to the forefront.  Flock has followed up with Evolution of Representation which covers measurement of authentic representation and inclusivity to support those who want a simple way to monitor their progress.

The launch was kicked off with “Better Representation of a Nation? Progress on inclusion in advertising” webinar with ISBA and its members to look at and discuss representation insights including feedback from consumers about what they would like to see in the future or marketing.

We hope that both guides serve the marketing and adverting industry well, providing a tool kit to begin the journey and the confidence and knowledge to continually evolve.

If you would like to speak with Flock about authentic representation, please complete the contact form below.

Download Representation of Nation

Download Evolution of Representation