In-house, Out-house, Bauhaus
Whether to move your creative services in-house or out-source is a tricky question, one which from our experience doesn’t have a wrong or right answer. If the decision is to bring creative services into your marketing team, the next question is, what steps should you follow to successfully implement this transition? Whilst we can’t say the process will be easy, we can recommend the simple steps of scoping out the services, designing the blueprint, creating the business case and operating like a business to help make the process worthwhile. Read more.
4 steps to bring creative services inside your marketing team
Marketers need to ensure alignment of brand values, provide a clear and concise brief, develop a rapport with the agency to allow for enhanced creative productivity and provide effective feedback with clear direction. Read more.
Regular agency appraisals can help optimise agency performance
Successful implementation of new technology within marketing requires synergy between IT and marketing teams, however, there are common issues over power, value and goals. Read more.
CMOs and agency CEOs relationships are at risk and need new client centred business models, which elevate new services and blend creative innovation with forward-thinking processes, to help build stronger partnerships and elicit growth. Read more.
Optimising your agency ecosystem for the demands of the future
We hope you’ve been able to gain some new insight from these articles. If you’d like to share any of your thoughts and opinions on these insights, or what else is going on in the world – get in touch with us here or use #Flockology @FlockAssociates – we’d love to hear your views.
In the meantime, you can read more about our services here, or our most recent work here.
See you next month!
The Flock Team