July 4th and the Benefits of Independence (of Thought)

July 2nd 2021

Happy 4th of July from the Flock US team! 

It’s great to be celebrating this important holiday, while also experiencing a different sense of independence from the circumstances of this past year. As we celebrate and go into summertime, something to think about is why is Independence important?

Independence is to be self-reliant and have “self-rule”. Something that many marketers would treasure, but many must accept their co-dependence on other regions and departments.  Many marketers develop independence by winning the respect of their peers with critical, analytical thinking, and by showing clear ROI on marketing activities that proves that they are unbiased in their views – they can PROVE their point of view.

But what is the value of Independence for your advisors? Is it important, or not? 

At Flock we do think it is critically important that we, as advisors, remain independent. We see it as so important it is one of our core values. “We are not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinions, conduct or the recommendations we provide.

Unlike some advisors or “pitch consultants” we do not take money or favors from Agencies, Tech or Media vendors. This level of independence allows us to provide Brands with an honest point of view as opposed to being paid to push an agency because they have paid money. 

Data also helps ensure independence as it punctures opinion and drives alignment. For example, our unbiased Agency Scoping Tooltransforms agency scoping from a sometimes contentious non-transparent, labor intensive, inaccurate spreadsheet-based chore into a simple, high value task that improves the value advertisers receive from their agency fees.

As you enjoy the 4th of July consider the value of independence in your work, and that of your advisors.

We wish you the best of times and a good break.