
Marketers and Mental Health


Simon Francis

In a recent survey of 7,000 marketing professionals an astonishing 83% said they felt burned out. Marketers had the worst result out of all the other departments within these companies.

It is therefore very likely that you, your peers, staff, and agency colleagues are suffering with our Mental Health. I know that I personally have struggled greatly at times this past year, in ways I never have before and, we get to work with many clients and agencies and see vividly the struggles our peers endure, sometimes without a supportive company, CMO, or boss.

In support of Health Awareness Week we wanted to acknowledge the scale and seriousness and importance of protecting our mental health and provide some support and resources to the Marketing Community.

We recommend the Mental Health Foundation as a great source of general advice.

It’s top ten personal tips for each of us and our teams is as follows:

How many of these are you following? What are you doing to encourage these simple practices that could make a massive difference to people’s lives? Can you use any of these in your marketing programs to positively impact the lives of your consumers, customers, or clients?

The theme of Mental Health Awareness Week this year is “Nature”. As a company inspired by nature, built around the wonder of a murmuration of starlings, we love the theme but also have sought solace in nature to help us keep fresh, and to reduce the pressures of our busy work lives at Flock.

Here are some of the ways as a Flock we’ve embraced nature to help us with our Mental Health.

Look at the stars and wonder. Download SkyView or go to Go stargazing. The universe sure puts things in perspective, nothing will ever feel “big and important” again!

Walk and learn. Take a thirty minute walk each day and learn about the world about you.

Try PlantSnap and learn about the plants around you. Or, try foraging for great food for free! Check out The Hedgerow Handbook: Recipes, Remedies and Rituals

Try and identify the amazing birdsong you can hear outside your window or on your daily walk. download Birdsong Id UK from the App Store to learn your Blackbird from your Blackcap.

Go fishing. Millions have found a way to relax and unwind during the pandemic by connecting with nature by fishing. Many haven’t been since childhood, if at all. Others have been inspired by hit shows like Mortimer abs Whitehouse: Gone Fishing. But, being at one with nature, and “thinking like a fish” has helped many. Check out this!

Camp out. There is something incredibly “freeing” about sleeping outdoors. Some people cannot imagine anything worse. Until they try it. To wake with the rising sun abs the dawn chorus can help connect us to the world, and disconnect us from Zoom and conference calls!

Spend time with your pet. Many Flockers and the Nation at large have bought pets through lock down and caring for them has provided immense pleasure and a relief from work. Do think carefully about how you can care for the pet though, the suitability of your house and your environment. Post lockdown pet care must be considered carefully.

Wildswim. More people than ever before are getting back in the water (with and without wetsuits) and enjoying the restorative benefits of a dip. For locations and tips try here!

Trail run. Running off road is completely different than pounding the pavements both physically and mentally. Download any of the apps to find a route and get out there. Dodge trees, smell the earth, stop now and again and take it all in.

Being by water (ideally the sea) can always calms you down. Although Costa Del London doesn’t quite have the same effect, listening to the sound of water when feeling stressed can also help. The calm app is great for that, as soon as you open the app it gives you the sound of birds chirping by a beautiful lake. If you’re one for soothing sounds for a dose of relaxation, the Calm app is a great option.

At Flock we have also held virtual team ‘gong’ sessions which we found very relaxing.

With the demands of the industry and our roles it is clear why Marketing and many marketers are feeling mentally exhausted and burnt out. But, help is at hand, and Nature can provide for us and help us all, no matter where we live.

We are here for you; to talk, to share our wellbeing programmes or to support to build yours.

We’re here. We understand. You are not alone.