
The Importance of Nurturing Company Culture


Workplace culture has been defined as “the shared values, belief systems, attitudes and the set of assumptions that people in a workplace share” and has long been a topic of contention between organisations and their employees. What the leaders of an organisation might think constitutes a good and productive workplace culture, isn’t necessarily what the team on the ground would say they prize in a workplace. Perhaps this is due to different priorities for the business, or a lack of consciousness of the day-to-day operations. 

A poor workplace culture can have a detrimental impact on a huge number of things for an organisation, for example; low productivity driven by a lack of investment in the organisation and subsequently the day-to-day work. This has then been seen to lead to high employee turnover, costing an organisation huge amounts in recruitment, leading to inconsistency and thus a poorer output, both internally and alongside any external partners/agencies.  

Aside from the potential difference in opinion on what it actually is that makes a good workplace culture, then comes the added layer of how to implement it. How does an organisation ensure that these agreed values and attitudes aren’t simply shared via posters in the workplace or performatively touched upon during meetings, but rather felt, observed and practised by the employees on the ground.  

Now, all of this might seem daunting, with the questions; where do we even start, how do we identify what we want our culture to be, and how do we ensure it stays that way, looming over the horizon.

For Flock, the first step in combatting the above is identifying the current state. Once you know where you are at; how your employees feel and what your are working with, you can begin to plan for where you want to be.

Flock’s Skills Assessment Service spreads across a large number of categories to gauge a true picture of where your team/organisation is at; included in this is a plethora of culture-based questions. Selecting a number of questions from buckets covering topics such as leadership, communication, technical skills, as well as culture provides a 360 degree, well-rounded look at your current state, identifying any behaviours or issues that can then be rolled into action plans for your organisation.  

Learn more about Flock’s Skills Assessment and how it can benefit your organisation here and get in touch with us for a chat.

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