
How to Build a Marketing Data Strategy in Seven Sprints


Simon Francis

At Flock we are sometimes asked to do a Marketing Data Audit or build a Marketing Data Warehouse or “Lake”.

In many instances what the advertiser really wants is fully comprehensive Marketing Data Strategy, but perhaps does not know that is what they want, or how to build one.

It is not surprising that many CMO’s do not know quite what to ask for. “Data Driven Marketing” is a relatively new term and many marketers are not used to operating with so much available data. Sometimes it is hard to “see the wood for the trees”. Even advertisers who were “born digital” often have too much data, too many KPI’s and have no clear Marketing Data Strategy.

Informed by our work across all our different services with tech clients like Sega, Ebay, Cisco, SAP, retailers like Walmart, Boots Walgreens & McDonalds’s, Autos’ like Ford, VW, Toyota, Health & Wellness like GSK, Novartis, & Lilly we have created a simple seven step approach to guide our clients through building a Marketing Data Strategy.

Of course behind each of the Sprints above we utilise a variety of tools and methodologies to capture the information and plans required to focus and align thinking. For example we recently worked with a major brand who wanted to shift their ‘inbound marketing’ efforts to a data driven model. We used our Skills Assessment Tool to identify 6 members of staff who were not only proficient in data driven marketing, but were also able to become internal champions to drive the overall agenda. The internal shift of skills resulted in the organistion saving expensive recruitment fees in order to plug the ‘perceived’ skills gap.

For some organisations data driven marketing is a fundamental shift from the model they have used.  A recent project using the sprints resulted in an 80% reduction in MarTech solutions by consolidating them into a more ‘fit for purpose’ solution.

Whatever your need to deliver a data strategy we have the experience to help you navigate its complexity.  If you would like further details on how to build a comprehensive and compelling Marketing Data Strategy, please fill in the Form.

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