
July Flockology: Ideas and Insights to Improve Your Marketing




Your essential monthly guide to what’s hot in the world of marketing

Welcome to the July edition of Flockology, where we’re bringing you the hottest stories and must-reads from the past month. If you’d like to chat about these stories further, or share additional insights, please do get in touch


Seven brands who are winning mobile-first strategy

The last 5 years have been called ‘the year of mobile,’ with users moving off desktops and onto their phones. L2 Daily has created a report on the rise of mobile, including a list of 7 brands who’ve been winning with their mobile-first strategies. See the list here

Flock understands the need for the integration of mobile, and has helped numerous companies with their approach to succeed in this digital age. Read more about our work here

 Unilever’s content with a purpose

After research findings that only 2% of women described themselves as beautiful, Unilever and Dove began the journey of female empowerment within their campaigns, and have now been promoting positive image for 16 years. GM and VP of Marketing for Unilever, Robert Candelino, explains creating content with a purpose, and how you can integrate this into your content marketing strategy. Find his key lessons and insights here 


The approach to succeed in viral video creation

In the past, you would see celebrity endorsements ruling the marketing world. But these days, it’s all about user generated content. How can your company tap into this and capture the viral magic? Look here for tips on how to utilise user generated content and win the internet.


Pokemon Go presents a large opportunity for marketers in augmented reality

Only having launched a few weeks ago, Pokemon Go has become a global phenomenon. The game gained 100 million global users in just 6 days – where the last record was Candy Crush, which took 1 year and 3 months to reach. With such a mass appeal, this poses a large opportunity for marketers to utilise this platform. Marketing Week gives insight on how brands can take advantage of this game, as well as bringing augmented reality more into their strategy. Read more here

ANA / K2 Media Transparency Report – Flock Associates Point Of View

ANA releases new report on transparency guidelines

Only a month after the media transparency report conducted by K2 Intelligence, The Association of National Advertisers have released a series of ‘Guidelines for Achieving Media Transparency.’ See an overview of the recommendations, and download the full report here

Flock have reported on the past K2 Intelligence report on media transparency. Read our full thoughts here

 How do you get the world talking about a fictional President during a real Presidential election?

The Republican Debate was this past month, and it was what happened in between the breaks that became the most talked about of the night. Watch above for Netflix hijacking of the evening with promotions for ‘House of Cards,’ and fictional presidential candidate Frank Underwood.

Do you have the skills to deliver ads like these?

Flock has worked with some of the world’s largest companies, helping to transform their marketing into successfully integrated systems. Check out our experience and see why others choose Flock here

We hope you’ve been able to gain some new insight from these articles. If you’d like to share any of your thoughts and opinions on these insights, or what else is going on in the world – get in touch with us here or use #Flockology @FlockAssociates – we’d love to hear your views.

See you next month!

The Flock Team

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