They say “what gets measured gets done” and having led so many marketing transformation projects we tend to agree. So when there’s a topic as important as diversity and inclusion in marketing, it’s strange to us that so much can be said while so little gets done, with minimal guidance out there for marketers wishing to measure their diversity and inclusion.
Our “Representation of a Nation” guide produced in partnership with the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA), provides practical advice for marketers wishing to become more diverse and inclusive. We want to help marketers set goals for the future and move forward towards progress. Measuring marketing diversity and inclusion is a key part of this process, as only by understanding where we are, can we strive to be better and encourage the right behaviour.
As with anything in the area of diversity and inclusion, it must be noted that measuring marketing diversity and inclusion is a complex task, not a box to be ticked. Bearing this in mind will provide marketers with the sensitivity and patience necessary to conduct this important work.
Below we have outlined some foundational ideas to get you started on measuring your marketing diversity and inclusion. Further details of our framework will be available in Part Two of our Representation of a Nation guide, specifically dedicated to helping marketers measure their levels of diversity and inclusion.
We believe there are three main areas to consider when seeking to measure marketing diversity and inclusion: Input, Output and Outcome.

Many companies do not get past the crudest of measures, the Input phase, whereas more evolved companies consider Output and Outcome.
In our “Representation of A Nation” guide we introduced the acronym ACT; Accountability, Collaboration, and Trading. It is highly relevant for use when it comes to measuring marketing diversity and inclusion.

Invariably when a marketing organisation comes to look at this approach, they realise that it makes total sense, but they lack some of the measurement tools, or need to adapt their existing approach to make it work. That is where it may be useful to get an “outside in” expert point of view, and of course we’d be delighted to help.
We are also upgrading all our systems and tools to help our clients with their IIO assessments:
- The Flock Skills Assessment Tool
- The Flock Agency Scoping Tool
- The Flock Agency Appraisal Tool
- The Flock Media Output Assessment
And, we use our knowledge of other data providers, research companies, and benchmarks to help complete your assessment.
The purpose of this blog is not to sell you our services, but to provide a practical framework for you to assess your organisation’s marketing diversity and inclusion.
Diversity and inclusion are such an important parts of true marketing sustainability and transformation that they demand good measures. We hope this helps!