New Term For Less – Dixons

August 8th 2013

Flock is really excited to announce that another project has taken off!

The “New Term For Less” Dixons activity has just launched on and across social channels.

Flock’s role in the project was to develop the content strategy, identify production partners for Dixons to work with and to generate ideas about how to deliver a more deeply integrated campaign.

One strand of the New Term campaign has been specifically designed to target students. A major element of this is a Tech Hub that has been developed in conjunction with The Student Room and sits on The Hub provides their users with expert advice and support, information about new technology, competitions and updates on the latest deals. In addition to the expert advice, there are also a series of video reviews of the latest technology tested by The Student Room Ambassadors, these were shot and edited by Markettiers4DC and are now live on the The Student Room’s Tech Hub and on YouTube.

Dixons New Term

You can see the Student Room Ambassador videos by clicking here.

Look out for further updates on the campaign as there is more to come.

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