The World Federation of Advertiser (WFA) Global Marketer Week Lisbon

March 25th 2019

The World Federation of Advertisers will be held 26th to 29th March in Lisbon. They’ve gathered a great speaking line up and it promises to be the strongest event of its kind for a while. And, to be frank it needs to be.

Marketing, marketers, and the associated supply chain of agencies, technologies, research and data providers are under threat.

Marketing’s role as consumer champion and leader of change in some organisations is challenged as some companies demote the role of marketing or spread it amongst other functions.

The draw of marketing as the most exciting of careers is threatened by other functions. Will the world’s best brains choose marketing, or another function or role within a company?

The work that marketing does is under closer scrutiny by legislators and the general public more than ever before, with privacy and responsibility at the heart of the debate. The industry’s desire for self-regulation is under threat. They believe that marketing cannot regulate tech companies, and have been irresponsible with regard to marketing to the vulnerable.

Do the changes to the agency, technology, and media owner landscape spell trouble ahead for marketers?

So, there are plenty of challenges for the finest advertisers in the world to discuss, debate and align upon courses of action. But is it all gloom and doom?

No. Not a bit.

It is Flock’s passionate belief that marketing could and should be entering a new golden age.

A golden age where marketing can positively impact society in a way that politicians, NGO’s, and celebrities have failed to do.

A golden age where ideas and brands will drive sustainable growth, more effectively and cheaper, in a way products and services on their own cannot.

A golden age where an inclusive approach to harnessing diverse talent will lead to faster learning, fun, and fortune than other disciplines can provide.

A golden age where marketing can prove its right to lead consumer led organisations, by dint of foresight, and anticipation.

A golden age where marketing may become the CFO’s best friend, as never before has marketing proved so accountable (for those that seek to prove it so).

It seems fitting that Lisbon the home to many of Europe’s great explorers will host a new generation of Global Marketers navigating a new route to a new Golden Age. We hope they are inspired!

We are confident that the WFA attack the issues, be positive about the future, and find practical sustainable solutions to the topics above. And, we look forward to helping many of the WFA’s members implement their marketing capability, operations, marketing technology & data, and procurement strategies.