We at Flock are super excited to be sponsoring the 2018 US ProcureCon Marketing conference and joining the marketing procurement community in San Diego on November 12th, 2018.
Our CEO Simon Francis, and US MD Mitchell Caplan, will be hosting a workshop on “Building An Agency Eco System”. Simon and Mitchell are also keen to meet leading marketing procurement folk to understand your current challenges.
Recently, these have been the top topics we have been discussing with Procurement practitioners:
- Elevating Marketing Procurement to the next level – with many of our clients, Marketing Procurement is taking a more and more important role. It will be interesting to understand what is responsible for this advancement and how as a discipline we can accelerate this.
- Trust & Transparency – This topic is not going away and is being taken seriously by all global advertisers. Might be worth a read of our latest Media Blog on just this subject.
- Insourcing vs outsourcing – Very topical with conversations we are having with advertisers globally. Always great to get the current view on the benefits vs risks.
- Need for a New Agency Model – Something we are implementing for many of our clients and key if your brands need to provide what the customer wants/needs in the next 3/5 years.
- Measuring What Matters – Constant challenge with the complex digital landscape and developments in MarTech but key to growth and innovation.
- Agency Performance Management – This is a sweet spot for Flock with our Flock Agency Appraisal Tool helping clients maximize their agency relationship so keen to understand future client needs.
Really looking forward to learning new things and meeting peers as passionate about Marketing Procurement as Flock!