Black History Month at Flock

We have come to the end Black History Month, a time to celebrate black excellence and remember the struggles that the community have faced.  Last year at Flock we spent the month focusing on cognitive bias and looking at ways we can be reflective and accountable when it comes to the bias that we all possess. When celebrating…

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How to Authentically Represent Marginalised Groups

Evolution of Representation

Pride month has arrived with celebrations and parades taking place across the US and UK throughout June/July. This presents the perfect time to discuss the representation of marginalised groups and share our DOs & DON’Ts that brands need to take into consideration when attempting to interact with individuals of their target audiences.  In recent years…

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Evolution of Representation: Measuring Progress of Diversity and Inclusion

Evolution of Representation

Earlier this year, Flock partnered with ISBA (Incorporated Society of British Advertisers) to create a practical guide for marketers to think more deeply about their marketing endeavours and whether they are authentically representing their audience. Representation of a Nation established A.C.T, a 3-step framework which stands for Accountability, Collaboration and Trading, enabling brands to elicit…

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Prioritising Disability Inclusion

In the recent “All In” UK advertising industry census, it was encouraging to see survey questions included on mental health and disability, which is often overlooked in corporate D&I agendas and is evident in the census results, showing disabled talent underrepresented in our industry at just 9% vs 20% working age population. Unsurprisingly this also…

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Flock’s “Representation of a Nation” Guide: Diversity through Our Eyes.

Here at Flock, we’re serious about diversity and inclusion. That’s why we partnered with the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA) to produce the “Representation of a Nation” guide, filled with practical advice for marketers wishing to become more diverse and inclusive. In it, we laid out three main steps to eliciting change in the…

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Marketers and Mental Health

In a recent survey of 7,000 marketing professionals an astonishing 83% said they felt burned out. Marketers had the worst result out of all the other departments within these companies. It is therefore very likely that you, your peers, staff, and agency colleagues are suffering with our Mental Health. I know that I personally have…

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How To Action Diversity & Inclusion in Marketing

In partnership with ISBA we recently launched “Representation of a Nation“, a Diversity and Inclusion guide highlighting the importance and value of D&I for our industry, with practical advice for marketers on how to elicit change. In the guide we provide recommendations on how businesses can A.C.T through steps in Accountability, Collaboration and Trading and…

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